Thursday, August 30, 2012

Color combination for pre spring

Hi everyone, today I want to talk about some of the fashion trends that are taking place right now. I want to start by saying that Baroque is becoming a must to have in you closet. I know that sometimes it might look scary but I have been looking at the some runways from 2010 and 2012 and its not bad if you know how to wear it. Specially when you don't wear matching pants and jacket because then it will be too much. Here are some examples of Baroque:
I feel that Stella Mc Cartney
This is a 2010 Fashion Show:

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How to do create your own denim vest

Hello everyone out there reading my fashion blog. Well today in the morning I was trying to go with the Native American look but I only had denim shorts and a printed shirt with the Native American print so I didn't feel complete so I came with my conclusion that I needed a denim vest to complete look. But of course I didn't have a denim vest so I thought to myself I should have bought the vest in Vegas from urban outfitters but shortly realize that I had a old denim jacket I bought maybe 2 yrs ago at urban lol was originally 80 bucks I got it for 20 what a bargain. So I got my fabric scissors and cut the sleeves off and made it a denim vest i was like omg it look like if I got it from the store. Very proud of me. So moral of the story is that we all girls and boys want that denim vest but sometimes we are in a budget so why not make out your own. Get a old denim jacket that you have in you closets and get some good fabric scissors cut the sleeves off but make sure you guys cut close to the seem so it looks pretty clean and not sloppy. After that you should have a denim vest. The cool part is that you guys can make it your own. You know studs are very in so why not add studs to your jackets pockets if possible or on the shoulders. Make your vest you in a unique way. And for the girls that can afford some of those AMAZING Jeffrey Campbell's you can wear some with you out fit and make it really chic. Before i forget you don't need to spend all you money in a new denim jacket go to goodwill or 2nd hand store they usually have old levi's denim jackets or any other brand. Be resourceful i am sure wherever you are there is store where you can get it for cheap. Here are some inspirational pictures for all you readers how to wear it:

Sunday, August 26, 2012

New pre fall fashion trend

To start my blog i want to talk about our pre fall season I am from Los Angeles so for us its still summer here. Shorts and tanks. But i know soon that would be over with so lets talk pre fall. This season it seems that fashion is really focus on collar necklaces as well as tops with collars with detail they go from beaded detailed to jeweled detailed. It also applies to the accessories that make a simple t-shirt look chic with a added necklace. Here are some examples of what we are seeing in the stores:
This items can be found at h&m stores in the us but if you are from Europe i believe they have online shopping for you guys.